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Atlantic Tropical Storm Names

Storm Preppers - Atlantic Tropical Storm Names - Updated

Each year, the authorities announce Atlantic tropical storm names. These names are assigned to storms as they form during the June – November hurricane season. Storms that form before the official June 1 start of the Atlantic Tropical Storm season also use these names.

When the full list of twenty-one names is used in any one season, additional storms are given names from the Greek Alphabet. The names on this list are:

Alpha; Beta; Gamma; Delta; Epsilon; Zeta; Eta; Theta; Iota; Kappa; Lambda; Mu; Nu; Xi; Omicron; Pi; Rho; Sigma; Tau; Upsilon; Phi; Chi; Psi; Omega

Atlantic Tropical Storm Names

Atlantic tropical storm names repeat every six years. However, if a season has a particularly devastating storm, that name is retired from the list.

2024 Tropical Storm Names

Alberto (al-BAIR toe); Beryl (BEHR-ril); Chris (kris); Debby (DEH-bee); Ernesto (er-NES-toh); Francine (fran-SEEN); Gordon (GOR-duhn); Helene (heh-LEEN); Isaac (EYE-zik); Joyce (joyss); Kirk (kurk); Leslie (LEHZ-lee);
Milton (MIL-ton); Nadine (nay-DEEN); Oscar (AHS-kur); Patty (PAT-ee); Rafael (rah-fah-ELL); Sara (SAIR-uh); Tony (TOH-nee); Valerie (VAH-lur-ee); William (WILL-yum).

2023 Tropical Storm Names

Arlene (ar-LEEN); Bret (bret); Cindy (SIN-dee); Don (dahn); Emily (EH-mih-lee); Franklin (FRANK-lin); Gert (gert); Harold (HAIR-uld); Idalia (ee-DAL-ya); Jose (ho-ZAY); Katia (KAH-tyah); Lee (lee); Margot (MAR-go); Nigel (NY-juhl); Ophelia (o-FEEL-ya); Philippe (fee-LEEP); Rina (REE-nuh); Sean (shawn); Tammy (TAM-ee); Vince (vinss); Whitney (WHIT-nee).

2022 Tropical Storm Names

Alex; Bonnie; Colin; Danielle; Earl; Fiona; Gaston; Hermine; Ian; Julia; Karl; Lisa; Martin; Nicole; Owen; Paula; Richard; Shary; Tobias; Virginie; Walter.

2021 Tropical Storm Names

Ana; Bill; Claudette; Danny; Elsa; Fred; Grace; Henri; Ida; Julian; Kate; Larry; Mindy; Nicholas; Odette; Peter; Rose; Sam; Teresa; Victor; Wanda.

2020 Tropical Storm Names

Arthur; Bertha; Cristobal; Dolly; Edouard; Fay; Gonzalo; Hanna; Isaias; Josephine; Kyle; Laura; Marco; Nana; Omar; Paulette; Rene; Sally; Teddy; Vicky; Wilfred.

2019 Tropical Storm Names

Andrea; Barry; Chantal; Dorian; Erin; Fernand; Gabrielle; Humberto; Imelda; Jerry; Karen; Lorenzo; Melissa; Nestor; Olga; Pablo; Rebekah; Sebastien; Tanya; Van; Wendy.

2018 Tropical Storm Names

Alberto; Beryl; Chris; Debby; Ernesto; Florence; Gordon; Helen; Isaac; Joyce; Kirk; Leslie; Michael; Nadine; Oscar; Patty; Rafael; Sara; Tony; Valerie; William.

2017 Tropical Storm Names

Arlene, Bret, Cindy, Don, Emily, Franklin, Gert, Harvey, Irma, Jose, Katia, Lee, Maria, Nate, Ophelia, Philippe, Rina, Sean, Tammy, Vince, Whitney.

2016 Tropical Storm Names

Alex, Bonnie, Colin, Danielle, Earl, Fiona, Gaston, Hermine, Ian, Julia, Karl, Lisa, Matthew, Nicole, Otto, Paula, Richard, Shary, Tobias, Virginie, Walter.

2015 Tropical Storm Names

Ana, Bill, Claudette, Danny, Erika, Fred, Grace, Henri, Ida, Joaquin, Kate, Larry, Mindy, Nicholas, Odette, Peter, Rose, Sam, Teresa, Victor, Wanda.

2014 Tropical Storm Names

Arthur, Bertha, Cristobal, Dolly, Edouard, Fay, Gonzalo, Hanna, Isaias, Josephine, Kyle, Laura, Marco, Nana, Omar, Paulette, Rene, Sally, Teddy, Vicky, Wilfred.

2013 Tropical Storm Names

Andrea, Barry, Chantal, Dorian, Erin, Fernand, Gabrielle, Humberto, Ingrid, Jerry, Karen, Lorenzo, Melissa, Nestor, Olga, Pablo, Rebekah, Sebastien, Tanya, Van, Wendy.

2012 Tropical Storm Names

Alberto, Beryl, Chris, Debby, Ernesto, Florence, Gordon, Helene, Isaac, Joyce, Kirk, Leslie, Michael, Nadine, Oscar, Patty, Rafael, Sandy, Tony, Valerie, William.

2011 Tropical Storm Names

Arlene; Bret; Cindy; Don; Emily; Franklin; Gert; Harvey; Irene; Jose; Katia; Lee; Maria; Nate; Ophelia; Philippe; Rina; Sean; Tammy; Vince; Whitney.

2010 Tropical Storm Names

Alex; Bonnie; Colin; Danielle; Earl; Fiona; Gaston; Hermine; Igor; Julia; Karl; Lisa; Matthew; Nicole; Otto; Paula; Richard; Shary; Tomas; Virginie; Walter.

2009 Tropical Storm Names

Ana; Bill; Claudette; Danny; Erika; Fred; Grace; Henri; Ida; Joaquin; Kate; Larry; Mindy; Nicholas; Odette; Peter; Rose; Sam; Teresa; Victor; Wanda.

2008 Tropical Storm Names

Arthur; Bertha; Cristobal; Dolly; Edouard; Fay; Gustav; Hanna; Ike; Josephine; Kyle; Laura; Marco; Nana; Omar; Paloma; Rene; Sally; Teddy; Vicky; Wilfred.

Why Do We Name Tropical Storms?

In earlier times, tropical storms were named after places they hit, Christian saints or events that occurred around the time of the storm. This was in an effort to identify the storm for reference purposes. Storms were essentially given names so that they can be easily identified. In the past, before storms were named, there was confusion when referring to storms occurring simultaneously in different areas. This practice of naming storms now allows information to be shared more accurately. It also reduces any chances of error when referring to a particular storm.


National Hurricane CentreTropical Cyclone Naming History and Retired Names
National Ocean Service: Why do we name tropical storms and hurricanes?
Weather UndergroundAtlantic Storms Retired Into Hurricane History
Bay News 9: Naming and Pronouncing Atlantic Hurricane Names
World Meteorological Organization: Tropical Cyclone Naming
Fox13 Tampa Bay: How are Hurricane Names Selected?
CBS News: How do Hurricanes Get Their Names?
CNN: The Fascinating and Controversial History Behind Hurricane Names

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